Friday, January 27, 2017

15 Best Password Managers to Manage Passwords Efficiently

Everyone loves to use different applications, sites, networks in one single device or maybe several. However, owning multiple accounts from different sites and trying to remember all usernames and passwords can sometimes be confusing and hard to recall at all. That is why many experts have invented software called Password Managers that helps you manage your credentials on multiple websites. So that even you forget, you can use the software to fill the login boxes.
Though the modern browsers do have password save options, that is not safe if multiple users use your computer. There you can use the best Password Manager to manage all the passwords along with the corresponding websites. You just need to remember one Master Password that you will have to use for logging in your password manager tool.

The need for Password Managers

As I said above that remembering hundreds of passwords is not possible, and you cannot keep one password on every site because that is not safe as well. Password Managers play a great role here by storing all of your credentials with corresponding websites, and you just have to remember one master password to login to the Password Manager you are using. These password managers make it easier for you to manage multiple passwords for each of your accounts.

So, now if you are thinking to give a try to the best password manager, but you still don’t know which is perfect for your needs. Then check out my list below:

Here goes the list of 15 Best Password Managers 

1. oneSafe

oneSafe can truly act as an encrypted vault of almost different types. Indeed, it is created to do more than managing passwords but also organize various files into folders on the computer while securing with a unique password and encrypting data to any storage device such as a hard drive. From documents, photos or videos, contacts, passwords, and many more, oneSafe can keep anything you want.

2. iCloud Keychain

This password manager is made into all versions of iOS and OS X while securing all data from your Apple devices through the iCloud. Whenever you are logged in your Apple device, you’re also logged into the Keychain account. However, this manager doesn’t just manage password on the internet but also all of your Apple’s complete database information. Almost everything can be stored in the Keychain including your server access, encrypted disk images and many more.

3. LastPass 

LastPass is among the best password managers that work with anything including Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera,Windows, Mac, Linux and other mobile applications of Android, Blackberry, etc. The free version of this can be used with only one device, but if you wish to secure multiple devices you can purchase their premium version and sync everything you want. Read my review of Lastpass here.

4. Dashlane

Dashlane is made to keep all passwords fresh and secure with its sophisticated designed security dashboard. It is built to scan regularly all saved accounts for weak and reused passwords while prompting you if the change is needed. Another great thing about Dashlane is that it alerts you whenever it detects a hacked site you are using, so you can immediately change your password. This is absolutely free for users to install where they can easily import and secure all passwords in a safe and secure vault. It uses one master password for one user and can only be decrypted by the owner itself, and not even Dashlane can do it. This is my most favorite and the best password manager I have ever come across. Read my review of Dashlane here.

5. Splikity

This is one of the best password managers for novices because it’s made to be fast and easy to learn to manage multiple passwords. Splikity allows users to add, delete and organize all passwords in an online dashboard making it easier to manage everything.

6. Meldium

Meldium is a combination of a password manager and a web application launcher making it as one of the best in sharing accounts. This is best for big companies who share the same accounts in one home screen called the Launchpad. It enables companies to create a list of all shared accounts and places it in one user-friendly interface.

7. Zoho Vault

This manager allows a group in a company to share private information as well as passwords in a quick, safe and secure manner. Members just need to download the Zoho extension, and they’re good to go. Further, a user can also easily transfer or copy all passwords from another password manager using a .csv file.

8. SimpleSafe

Most IT experts and professionals that use servers like the customizable internal password solution of SimpleSafe. Just like any other password managers, SimpleSafe also lets members access easily or create groups and store passwords without using any browser extensions.

9. Vaultier

This is a password manager that one can use in running their own server or for a cloud hosted service. Vaultier works best on the personal encryption keys in securing all passwords. It basically secures and organizes passwords by using vaults and cards for all accounts containing the account names and passwords.

10. CommonKey

This password manager is literally affordable and suits very well for either small or big companies. Since, it is a cloud-hosted system, this kind of manager works best from the browser extensions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Also, it also works perfectly as an individual password manager as well. Members of the group can add their personal accounts and access the company without changing the user interface.

11. Passwork

For teams that want custom builds, Passwork’s open-source framework is the best choice for them with its transparent encryption algorithm. Users can easily install Passwork on their own servers and get access to all features. Additionally, passwords are safely organized into groups and then into separate folders.

12. KeePass

KeePass is perfect for users who want to store their passwords in an encrypted database that they can control. One key feature of this manager is that you do not sync or upload any information anywhere unless you want to transfer them from machine to machine. Further, this manager is also a handy application that allows users to bring it and use from any device. It also has the ability to generate its own password to help ease the user in changing their passwords. KeePass has been the most favorite and the best password manager in computer professionals’ opinion.

13. Identity Safe

This password manager is built by Norton and can be downloaded right into your device freely. It secures passwords in a synchronized system across multiple computers or devices. From mobile smartphones, laptop to desktop computers, Identity Safe will make it easier for you to access all accounts ensuring you don’t forget your passwords. This manager is designed to have a very safe cloud-host by alerting you if the site you are using is hacked or not safe to use and automatically blocks it. To fully use all the features of this safe password manager, one must create a Norton account and install the software. Once installed, you can use it immediately using the username and password you’re given and start controlling codes from all sites for free.

14. Kaspersky

One of the most robust password managers available in the market today is made by Kaspersky. It has a version of both computer and smartphones including Android and iOS operating systems. It is free for mobile devices but, for computer devices it follows a corresponding price range depending on the number of the device you will protect. This powerful password manager can help users in managing passwords from multiple site accounts.

15. Handy Password

Handy Password is a password manager that automatically saves and stores passwords for every site you logged in. This manager uses a 128-bit encryption that is much safe for most users. If you incidentally forget your password, it has a password generator tool where you can try to determine the forgotten codes. Further, Handy Password can make you hard to hack passwords that are completely complex for hackers to get. Aside from computer devices and mobile phones, this is also available in most portable USB and personal computer versions.
The internet and technology age have emerged rapidly into the lives of millions of people, which are why many are engaged in the world of technology. From desktop computers, mobile phones, tablets and other smart devices, it always has some advantages and disadvantages. One of which is the disadvantage of losing accounts, and files. But, then again the modern era have grown several people to create continuously answers to this incorrect phenomenon which is why various password managers have emerged in the market.
It’s always a tiring effort in keeping and remembering all passwords from all your accounts over the internet. The best way to end this problem is by using the best password manager. You can choose one from the listed managers above.
For more technical tips, plz visit my blog page ... 😊

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

7 Tips for Optimum Home Internet Connection

7 Tips for Optimum Home Internet Connection
Getting online has become one of the most important needs today. The internet is now used in more ways than one to connect and be up to date. It has a lot of applications like connecting with your business partners or researching for school work, as well as for family activities. And more important you can run an online business using the Internet. For example, I am a blogger, and I earn money working from my home; what I need are electricity and internet at the basic level to run my business.
Nowadays we have more devices in which we use internet such as tablets and smartphones. Almost everything in the home is connected to the internet nowadays, and it is frustrating when you are not getting the speed needed to run all of them. No matter how fast your download speed is, at times you may still experience slow connection. When your connection is slow, you are not able to work at better pace, and not even you can play your favorite videos online because buffering will take more time. In this, blog post I am talking about Internet speed and factors that affect its speed. Along with these, I am also sharing the ways to optimize your connection to get better speed.
There are tons of factors that affect your internet speed, but here are some easy to follow items to optimize your home internet connection.

7 Tips for optimizing your Home Internet

  1. Test it!

When setting up your internet connection with your local service provider, they probably have given you an idea of the speed you should be getting with what you are paying. Testing what you are getting compared to what you should be getting is an important step which establishes your benchmark. This will determine if you are getting what you paid for and will tell you if you need to complain because you are not getting the speed you are supposed to get. There are many websites that offer free speed testing and will show your connection’s download and upload speeds, just make sure to run several tests with the server closest to you. For testing the connection speed you can try SpeedTest.Net.
  1. Secure it!

Your home’s gateway to the internet may be bogged down by hitchhikers that use up your bandwidth and slow down your connection. The best way to keep it safe is adding a password with WPA2 or WPA encryption. This is an option in most routers or modems that allows you to prevent unwanted access to your router or modem. This is different from the Wi-Fi access, which of course, you should also put in place. Make sure that you are using unpredictable and long passwords with combinations of alpha-numeric characters and uppercase and lowercase letters. Avoid sharing your Wi-fi passwords with your neighbors. In case, you give them the password to access your internet, limit their speed so that they cannot use much of your bandwidth.
  1. Update it!

There are two things that need to be updated, your router’s firmware and your browser version. The router’s firmware serves as your router’s software support. Cyber attackers have become more and more creative in finding holes in devices’ software. Updating your firmware and the browser you use, ensure that you have the latest bug fixes or security tweaks so you can be protected from the most recent attacks.
Also, as much as possible update your old equipment. Older routers, modems, and computers are no longer that technically equipped to handle internet connectivity with newer standards and faster speeds. If you have been using your router for quite some time now, maybe it is time to switch to the newer 802.11n and 802.11ac routers.
  1. Reboot it!

Give it time to breathe and regroup. Try turning it off and on again. Restarting your router or rebooting it gives it time to clear old data and obtain new configuration from your service provider. If there are updates sent by your ISP, rebooting will give your router the opportunity to download and install them. Make it a habit of regularly rebooting your router to avoid desynchronization from your ISP and keep it performing at its best.
  1. Location, location, location

Lastly, location is very important. Distance and obstructions are the two most obvious problems when it comes to your internet connectivity. The performance and signal degrade as it passes through walls and several obstructions. Make sure to place your router where it can be best optimized with less physical obstructions and can give you the best coverage. Put them in a higher position and point the external antennas upward and make sure that it gets enough open space that it needs to transmit and receive.
On the other hand, there are other options when it comes to extending your home wifi. First off, there are apps which can help you map your home wifi weak spots. These are the areas in your house which receive a weak signal, or no signal at all. You might want to change the location of your router in order to have wifi signals at these locations.
  1. Add an access point or another router

An access point is a repeater (Wifi Range Extender) which serves to extend the wifi signal. The advantage of this approach is that devices connected to the access point will have their dynamic IP addresses given to them via the router. On the other hand, if you would want to have a separate wifi network specifically for another area of the house, you can use a wifi router instead of an access point. Devices connected to the second router will not easily access the devices on the first router because these will be on a different network.
  1. Google WiFi

Recently released by Google, the Google WiFi is an intelligent access point system, where the three small devices which look like hockey pucks, act as your router. Each set of Google WiFi can have up to three access devices, which you can strategically place across your home. These are intelligent devices which can detect which one has a better signal to your device and automatically disconnects from one, and connects to the stronger one. The difference between this and having multiple routers or traditional access points is that instead of the device letting go of the connection, it is Google WiFi which is letting go and connecting you. In the other method, your device will hang on to the router as long as there is a signal. In this case, it is Google WiFi itself which determines which one among three access points delivers the best signal and connects you to it.

Final Words

You may think that a home internet connection does not need to be as secure as a business or office internet. Unfortunately, malware does not distinguish between the two. Worse than that, home connections are more easily infiltrated. Also, we need good speed at home too especially when we are running the business from home as well. Keep safe with your internet connection to secure your data.
Hope these tips for optimizing your home internet would help you better. Moreover, you can read my guide to increasing the signal strength of your Wifi router.
For more technical news, plz visit my blog page ...😊

What is The Hosts File and How To Edit Them?

What is The Hosts File and How To Edit Them?
If you are not so familiar with advanced computer topics then, the term “Hosts File” may seem surprising to you because of the name. Every computer has a unique file within the operating systems components which plays a crucial role on how you surf the internet onto your computer.

This Post Covers Below-mentioned Topics

Topics Covered in the Post
  1. What is Hosts File?
  2. Uses of Hosts File
  3. Location of Hosts File
  4. Finding IP Address of any Domain
  5. How to edit hosts file?
  6. How to block websites using hosts file
  7. Hacking Hosts File

What is Hosts File?

In the very simple terms, Hosts File is a configuration file which stores information about a computer over the network. Hosts Files consist of information about the domain name and IP address mapping, i.e. which domain name will be matched to which IP address, and this is where your browser talks with the DNS (Domain Name Server) before loading any web page.

Uses of Hosts File

As we said, as you enter a web address in the address bar of your browser, before opening the actual web page there is a communication between your browser and DNS (Domain Name Server) to decide the exact IP address of the loading page alternatively domain name.
What if we wish to provide the IP address manually?
Hosts File can serve this purpose for us. We can write the domain name and their mapping IP address we would like to locate within the Hosts File. So next time before going to DNS, your browser will read from the Hosts File first.

Location of Hosts File

So far we know what Hosts File is and where it is used, and we have also said that it is found on your computer. So the curiosity is valid regarding the location of Hosts File.
If you are using Windows operating system then Hosts File can be found at:
C Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts
Considering “C” as your system drives, if you have installed your operating system into some other then look accordingly.
If you have Linux OS installed then the path will be:
One thing you should note that hosts files don’t have any extension, so you need just to double-click on it to open. Windows users can use any of the text editors like notepad, word pad, etc. to view it.
From the beginning we are talking about the domain name and their IP address and we have said to update it manually using the Hosts File.
But from where I can find the IP address of any domain name so that I can update it in Hosts File?
Follow the steps mentioned ahead to get the IP address of any domain name.

Finding IP Address of Any Domain Name

We will be using the command prompt, ping command to obtain the IP address. Please make sure that you are connected to a working internet before performing this.
Command promptly is by default installed on your computer. Press CTRL+R to open the run utility. Type “cmd” in the search box and press “ENTER”.
Command prompt window will be open to the default view. The last line of the view says something like “C:\Users\User name>, where username is the specific username of your computer.
Now write “ping domain name” and then Press “ENTER.” It will be something like this:
C:\Users\souvik>ping then press “ENTER” which will return you IP address as “”.
So easy it was right, next we will move on to edit our Hosts File. If you are visiting Hosts File for the first time, you will see the default entries in the Hosts File, and now it’s time for some tweaking and playing with it.

How to edit hosts file?

How to edit hosts file is the question you would be looking for as I have talked some interesting things about it. But, wait, there are much more things that will make your even more interested in Hosts file.
So you know, what is Hosts File, where it is found, what is the use of it and how to find IP address of a domain name using the ping command from command prompt window.
Now we are heading towards editing the Hosts File which will change the content of Default Hosts File, and entries will be little generic as per our choice.
As we said before hosts file can be opened with any of the text editor utility so most conveniently notepad will be used. This is how your Hosts File looks like upon opening for the first time:
hosts file
This is the format of making entries to hosts file i.e. IP address then domain name. So if we wish to append the IP address of, just go to the end of the file and write “”. So next time when you will write the URL of into your browser, the Hosts File will be read, and the browser will be directed to the mentioned IP address as per the Hosts File.
Believe me, it is fun when you know how to modify Hosts file. You can make your computer access to internet the way you want.
So you know how to edit a Hosts File. Wouldn’t it be fun to try a little hacking using Hosts Files? Better to perform such trick on someone else’s computer to fool them or making them scratching their head for what they are seeing.

How to block websites using Hosts file on a particular Computer?

The trick comes handy if you are a parent and don’t want your children to have access to a particular website. Many offices restrict the access of specific sites for their employees. In that case, the only thing they do is to edit the Hosts File so that when the browser sees the particular domain name it will block it. Let’s see how we can do this.
Go to the location of your Hosts File as per your operating system configuration and open it in notepad preferable to modify the Hosts File. Say you want to block the access of then go to the end of the Hosts File and write “” Here if your site is something other than, then you can add that accordingly. Save and close the Hosts File.
Next time when you write the domain name in the browser, the website will not be accessible. The same way you can add the multiple domain names in order to block and if you wish to allow the access of that particular website then just remove the domain name from the listing and site will be accessible again.
This is how you can block websites using hosts file on your computer. Isn’t it cool?

Hacking Hosts File

The term hacking is used when we intent to change the actual behavior of something and modify it to happen is some different way.
You can have a custom hosts file on your PC to make your computer work your way.
Suppose as a prank on your friend’s computer you can modify the Hosts File so that upon typing it should redirect to
Isn’t it will be fun to see the reaction of your friend on this? I hope you very well know now, how to achieve that.
We just need to open the Hosts File normally and writing IP address of ahead of domain name will work our purpose. So next time when is typed in the browser, browser will read the Hosts File and upon seeing the IP address, it will automatically direct the user to

Wrapping up

So this is for now on the Hosts Files, what it iswhere it is locatedhow to edit hosts filehow to play with them regarding some sort of hacking stuff. There is much more to explore where you can have more fun with and amaze your friends with the tricks.
For more technical tips, plz visit my blog page ...😊

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

What is An ASPX file and How to Convert ASPX to PDF?

What is An ASPX file and How to Convert ASPX to PDF?

What is an ASPX File?

ASPX is a file extension which stands for Active Server Pages Extended. Programmers create ASPX pages while using Microsoft ASP.NET framework as their coding platform to develop a web application or website.
To make it simple, just as you see HTML extension with online web pages which are coded in simple HTML, Microsoft uses ASPX extension for the web pages created using its .Net framework.

What is the difference between HTML and ASPX?

  • HTML pages are static whereas ASPX pages are dynamic.
  • If you need not to a database for your website or application, HTML is good to go whereas if you require a database for the site, you can choose ASPX because it has the ability to connect to the database using its backend code.
  • HTML doesn’t support server side execution whereas ASPX does support server side execution, and that is the reason; HTML has nothing to do with the server which allows it to render faster.
  • HTML supports client-side Javascript whereas ASPX supports server-side directives.
There are many things to know about these two, but since we are not learning the coding stuff here, this much is well enough to understand the difference between these two.
A simple example to make you understand is of Sign up and sign in functionalities where you fill the details which get saved into the database, and when you try to login with those details, the ASPX page checks the database to authenticate those details. If it finds the details correct, you get signed in. The codes written in the ASPX file instructs the server how to behave as per the button clicks and other events.
ASPX file is generated by web servers, and they contain source codes and scripts that instruct browsers how a website or a particular page will be opened.
If you are not into programming, ASPX file extension may sound foreign to you, but it is always good to know about new things for further learning.
I think I have answered the question “What is an ASPX file”. Haven’t I? However, it is a vast topic itself but we are not going deep into to coding stuff, so this much knowledge about ASPX file is well enough.

How to Open an ASPX File?

It depends on how you want to open it; Do you want to view the ASPX file content or you want to see what it shows when it is executed?
If you want just to run the file to see the content for which it is coded, you double click on the .aspx file, and when it says “Windows Can’t Open this file”, select “Select a program from a list of installed programs”, and hit OK.
It will open a list of programs available on the computer.
Select Google Chrome, and click on Ok. It will open the file in the Chrome browser, and you will be able to see the content for which the code is placed in the ASPX file.
Secondly, if you want to open the ASPX file to see the code, you can just right-click on the file icon, and click on Open With => Notepad
Alternatively, if you have Dreamweaver or Visual Studio installed on yourcomputer, you can view the source code of ASPX file in them too.
Notepad shows the plain coding without formatting. If you want to view codes in much better formatting, use Dreamweaver or Visual Studio for opening ASPX files.

How to Convert ASPX to PDF?

If you are a programmer, and you have to develop some ASPX pages for a project, you can just code them. But, most of the times, you have to show the result that shows in the browser to your team or client. In that case, rather than taking screenshots, the best idea is to make the PDF file which looks more professional.
Now, the question is how to convert ASPX to PDF.
Don’t worry, this is quite simple and can be done in few clicks.
Step 1 => Open the ASPX file in the browser as you learned earlier in this blog post. Once opened, you will be able to see the content of the file. I mean if you have coded for a signup page, the signup page design will be shown in the browser.
Step 2 => On the page opened in the browser do right click, and click Print.
Step 3 => Click on Change
Step 4 => Now, you will see the screen as you can see below:
Step 5 => Click on Save as PDF, and then once again you have to click on Save button which will ask for the location to save the new PDF file, do it, and your ASPX File is converted to PDF now.
Isn’t the whole process of ASPX to PDF conversion looks too easy?

Final Words

Knowing the different file types is fun! If you were not aware of ASPX files before reading this post, you might have enjoyed reading about it.
Converting an ASPX file to PDF is quite easy as you read in this blog post. I am sure, when you have to prepare a report in PDF for the web pages you have coded, you can run the ASPX file in the browser, and make the PDF of it easily.
I am sure you loved reading the post. If there is anything which gone over your mind, do ask in the comments, so that I can clarify that again for you.
If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions, do write to us in the comments.
For more technical tips, plz visit my blog page ... 😊